Manifest Investing was founded by two NAIC members. Their web site uses Value Line data to estimate 5-yr projected average return and stock quality.
The Manifest Investing “dashboard” is very similar to our portfolio summary. In fact, we borrowed the idea from them of displaying PAR and quality as two of the primary metrics for portfolio management.
Sometimes you will find differences in the value of PAR shown on the Manifest Investing dashboard and our portfolio summary. We use the NAIC stock selection guide to calculate PAR. This requires the application of some judgment. In contrast, Manifest Investing uses a formula that applies Value Line data. Manifest Investing relies on the judgment of the Value Line analysts. Both appoaches are helpful. When there is a significant difference in PAR, we should try and understand why that has occurred.
The Manifest Investing dashboard updates automatically to reflect current stock prices. Our portfolio summary is updated monthly. You might find it helpful to review both. The dashboard link in the “About” section (upper left) will take you to the Manifest Investing dashboard for our portfolio.