It is always helpful to compare portfolios. Here are summary dashboards for the NAIC Growth Fund and for the Moose Pond Investors portfolios. The NAIC Growth Fund is a closed end fund that was intended to demonstrate NAIC principles. You can click on either summary below for the complete dashboard.
In the past 6 months NAIC growth fund sold its position in Pepsi and Newell Rubbermaid. The fund added to its positions in Abbot Labs, Carlisle Companies, Jack Henry & Associates, Medtronic, Stryker, and Washington Mutual. The total return for the NAIC Growth Fund in 2005, based on change in net asset value, was 1.3% (slightly ahead of our return of 0.3).
NAIC Growth Fund |
Moose Pond Investors |
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While quality is about the same in both portfolios, the Moose Pond portfolio has higher PAR, higher projected growth, and a higher quality rating. We can probably improve the overall PAR by replacing several of our low PAR companies with higher PAR companies.