Online Journal for the Moose Pond Investors Club

Portfolio Performance for 2011

Overall we had a good year. The Moose Pond Investors portfolio returned 6.7% compared with 1.3% for the S&P (with dividends reinvested). The value of a MoosePond share on 31 December was $15.398 compared with $14.404 at the end of 2010.

Our success for the year resulted in part from avoiding losses. We made some good defensive moves. Six of the seven stocks that we sold this year went down after we sold them. Two of them, Almost Family Inc. and Transocean Inc., lost about 50%. We replaced the stocks we sold by either buying new companies or adding to existing positions. In both cases we looked for quality stocks with strong projected 5-year return.

Our new positions in AFLAC, Apple, and Google have all done well. A performance report and summary of the current portfolio holdings at year end can be found here. We kept the portfolio well balanced and nearly fully invested all year.

As the brokers say, past performance does not guarantee future results. However, the methodology we have used over the past ten years seems to be working. We have found Manifest Investing to be particularly helpful in managing our portfolio. We rely on the projected average return and quality metrics in the dashboard view to quickly identity when to increase or decrease our holdings in a stock.

Happy New Year to all!


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