Online Journal for the Moose Pond Investors Club

NAIC Growth Fund

It is always helpful to compare portfolios. Here are summary dashboards for the NAIC Growth Fund and for the Moose Pond Investors portfolios. The NAIC Growth Fund is a closed end fund that was intended to demonstrate NAIC principles. You can click on either summary below for the complete dashboard.

In the past 6 months NAIC growth fund sold its position in Pepsi and Newell Rubbermaid. The fund added to its positions in Abbot Labs, Carlisle Companies, Jack Henry & Associates, Medtronic, Stryker, and Washington Mutual. The total return for the NAIC Growth Fund in 2005, based on change in net asset value, was 1.3% (slightly ahead of our return of 0.3).

Growth Fund
Moose Pond Investors
NAIC Growth Fund NAIC Growth Fund

While quality is about the same in both portfolios, the Moose Pond portfolio has higher PAR, higher projected growth, and a higher quality rating. We can probably improve the overall PAR by replacing several of our low PAR companies with higher PAR companies.

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