The following table shows the performance of Moose Pond Investors through December 18, 2004. Total return is the return from the start of the portfolio on October 4, 2000. All returns except YTD are shown on an annualized basis.
Only |
& Cash |
VG 500
Fund |
S&P 500
Russell 2000
Value |
2001 |
2002 |
2003 |
Total |
Since uninvested cash reduces overall return, the table shows both overall performance of the portfolio and, separately, performance of the stocks in the portfolio. Portfolio Record Keeper was used to make these calculations. The table also shows the IRR that would have resulted from making identical investments in Vanguard’s S&P 500 index fund.
Our Top 10 Winners and Losers
Our all time winners have been: LOW (+186%), JCI (+140%), PDCO (+84%), ORLY (+77%) and COF (+72%). Our losers have been: OCA (-61%), CTS (-35%), INTC (-31%), PFE (-28%), and MRK (-16%). Of the losers, we are still holding INTC, PFE and MRK.
At the end of November, the Moose Pond Investors’ portfolio had the following weighted averages: projected total return of 21.4%, projected average return of 14.7%, upside / downside ratio of 4.1 to 1 and a relative value of 91.8. These are all very good averages. The portfolio has 7.6% of its assets in cash.
Current SSG and PERT A (11-29-2004) | Google: “Stocks: JNJ” | Company Website
Stock Selection Guide Updated. The SSG for Johnson & Johnson has been revised. JNJ remains a high quality company and is within the “buy” range.
Stock Selection Guide Updated. The SSG for Capital One Financial has been revised. Capital One Financial remains a quality company. The stock has moved just out of the “buy” range into the “hold” range.
There is a replay of an informative presentation by the Capital One Financial CEO at the Merrill Lynch Banking & Financial Services Conference on November 15 available at the company website. If you listen to the presentation, be sure to view the presentation slides. The presentation explains the strategic direction of Capital One Financial.
Stock Selection Guide Updated. The SSG for Amgen has been updated. 5-year EPS was projected using the “preferred procuredure” with the following assumptions: revenue growth of 15%, pretax margin 40.4%, tax rate of 26.5% and outstanding shares of 1,175 million. This results in a projected average return of 13.9% using an averate high PE of 29 and average low PE of 16.5. This puts Amgen in the “buy” range. Both IAS and First Call’s analysts consensus project growth at 20%, so the 15% projected growth used in the SSG is conservative.
For the fifth time, Amgen has been named one of the “100 Best Companies to Work for in America” by Fortune magazine. Also, Amgen ranked fifth in The Scientist’s annual survey of the best workplaces for 2004. Details. Amgen also has an excellent website for investors.
From December 2004 Investor Advisory Service by IClub: IAS also has Amgen in the “buy” range. “Amgen reported continuing solid results for the third quarter of 2004 with total product sales up 23%. On an adjusted basis, excluding one-time factors relating to the company’s acquisition of Tularik, earnings per share growth was 39%. The company also increased guidance for expected earnings per share for the year from about $2.35-$2.40. The sales guidance was also improved to about $10.4 billion for the year. While the company is dependant on a limited number of products, these have continued to grow and sell well. There are also a number of interesting new possibilities in the process of development. Certainly Amgen is the most successful of the world’s biotech companies. AMGN (59.87) is a buy up to 82.”
Affiliated Computer Services (ACS)
SSG and PERT A (11-24-2004) | Google “Stocks: ACS” | Company Website
The Affiliated Computer Services stock selection guide has been updated. Here are the highlights.
Quality. Section 1 of the SSG (the graph on page one), shows consistent growth. For ACS, the correlation coefficient (r^2) is 1.0 for earnings and .95 for sales. This is quite good. Looking at Section 2 of the SSG, the pre-tax profit margin is trending up and return on equity is even. These are both indicators of consistency and excellent management. Overall, ACS is a high quality company.
Growth. Historically, ACS has had very strong growth. It is a little tricky to estimate future ACS growth since recent financial statement reflect the divestiture of most of ACS’ government business and the acquisition of some new businesses. The management discussion in the current 10Q discusses internal revenue growth (measured as total revenue growth less acquired revenue from acquisitions and revenues from divested operations). After excluding the impact of the revenues related to the 2004 divestitures, revenues in the current quarter increased 22%. Internal revenue growth accounted for 11% of the 22%. The above SSG uses a revenue growth of 15.8% based on Value Line.
Valuation. Using the “preferred proceed” in the SSG, the projected 5-yr EPS is $5.88. (See SSG for pre-tax margin, tax rate and shares outstanding.)
The projected average return over five years is 14.5%. Here is how it is calculated:
Projected Avg Return = [(117.01 / 59.53) ^ (1/5) – 1] * 100 = 14.5%
Note: The Toolkit software does this automatically. Reviewing the calculations makes it easier to understand the results.
Summary. ACS (currently $59.53) is in the “buy” range. The upside-downside ratio is 3.9 to 1. The relative value is 100.